Laguna de Coatetelco


The Coatetelco lagoon has become one of the most important lagoons in the region for the fishing of various species such as Huro, Mojarra, Bagre and now the Largemouth Bass. Today it is one of the main attractions of the state, and there are a variety of restaurants serving fresh fish.

Coatetelco is very close to Xochicalco. To get there from Cuernavaca, it is by the highway (Mexico-Acapulco), until you reach the deviation to Alpuyeca-Miacatlán. Coatetelco is located 2 kilometers from Alpuyeca, it is accessible by the Alpuyeca-Miacatlán or Alpuyeca-Puente de Ixtla highway.

Laguna de Coatetelco
Laguna de Coatetelco
Laguna de Coatetelco
Laguna de Coatetelco
Laguna de Coatetelco
Laguna de Coatetelco
Laguna de Coatetelco
Laguna de Coatetelco